
Regular Associates

Associateships are six-year awards intended exclusively for scientists between the ages of 36 and 45 at the time of application. The Associates programme enables individual scientists to maintain long term formal contacts with the stimulating and active scientific environment of the Centre.

In addition to the research fields listed below, ICTP Regular Associates can also pursue research in the fields of Digital and Computer Networking and Medical Physics.

Fields of research

High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics


Earth System Physics

Science, Technology and Innovation

Quantitative Life Sciences

Who can apply

All applicants must hold a PhD, have their main affiliation in a scientific institute in a developing country. Awards given to scientists who move to a developed economy will be suspended or cancelled.

Candidates should request two senior scientists (preferably from an institute other than their own) who are well acquainted with their work to send a recommendation letter in support of their application The online application tool provides a dedicated section for soliciting and receiving recommendation letters.

The programme is intended for scientists between the ages of 36 and 45 at the time of application.

After the end of an Associateship, it is possible to be selected again, for the same or a different category of Associateship. It is recommended that at least two years lie in between consecutive Associateships.


Regular Associates are entitled to three fares during the six-year period of their award for visits, which must have a minimum duration of 30 days (in order to obtain travel entitlement) and a maximum of 60 days, up to a total allocation of 180 days for the six-year period of the award.


Phone: (+39) 040 2240 554/624

Fax: (+39) 040 22407554

Associates Programme
Scientists aged between 36 and 45 from and working in developing countries
for Developing countries
6-year appointment, during which associate visits ICTP three times for stays of between 30 and 60 days each
To be announced