Every year, ICTP's External Activities Unit supports conferences taking place at universities that have been designated as ICTP Affiliated Centres -- institutes or university departments in developing countries with which ICTP has established a formal collaboration.
Tribhuvan University in Nepal is one such centre; recently, with support from ICTP, the University hosted the 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Plasma Physics and Technology (FPPT-10). The conference attracted 109 participants from the region, including 22 women. The photo above is from the welcome reception and shows the conference director, Professor Tara Desai (third from left), surrounded by female conference participants from the region.
FPPT organisers hold the conference in different developing countries where a large number of local researchers, especially young scholars, can interact directly with world experts. Past conferences have been held in countries including India, Botswana, Chile and Sri Lanka. As Professor Desai explains, "We emphasise that our conference theme -- to promote sustainable research and technology in developing countries through international cooperation -- has been aptly adapted. As a result, we realise how important it has been for young researchers willing to dwell in the scientific profession."
FPPT-10 was co-sponsored by ICTP's UN partner, the International Atomic Energy Agency.