
Public Lecture by Carlo Rubbia

Tuesday 7 October, at 18:30
Public Lecture by Carlo Rubbia

As part of its 50th anniversary celebration, ICTP welcomes the public to a free lecture by Nobel Laureate Carlo Rubbia titled "Quale futuro per l'energia?" at Politeama Rossetti in Trieste. The talk will be held on Tuesday 7 October and starts at 18:30.

Carlo Rubbia is a long-time friend of ICTP. It was in 1984, while on a visit to the Centre, that Rubbia learned he has won the Nobel Prize in Physics. Rubbia shared the Prize with Simon van der Meer "for their decisive contributions to the large project, which led to the discovery of the field particles W and Z, communicators of weak interaction".

Please see the programme for more details about the 50th Anniversary event.

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