
The Cambridge Connection

ICTP signs agreement with Stephen Hawking research centre
The Cambridge Connection

In a move that promises to open a universe of opportunities to PhD students and post doctorates, ICTP and the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology (CTC), a research centre founded by Stephen Hawking at the University of Cambridge, have agreed to a collaboration and exchange programme.

CTC is devoted to the development and testing of fundamental theories of the universe, seeking answers to the most intriguing mysteries of the universe, like how it began, how it will evolve, and how the laws of physics were determined.

The purpose of the collaboration is to identify critical scientific questions and to develop new research programs in theoretical cosmology. Areas of particular overlap between the two institutes include the development of cosmological scenarios in fundamental theory, dark matter and dark energy, and the understanding of the large-scale structure of the universe and fluctuations in its cosmic microwave background.

The agreement entitles doctoral and post-doctoral students as well as faculty from both institutes to participate in exchange visits lasting from one week to a month.

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